Parsons Falls 2017 Oct

Parsons Falls October 2017

Parsons Falls have been calling to me for quite some time, and at last, today, I found the opportunity to answer that call, armed with family members, including a rather hirsute daughter who is getting rather keen on this bagging business.

The drive there took me a lot longer than I’d reckoned on, but that was fine. We started after an early lunch and were not at all time pressured. As it was, we stayed there for quite a while, as my ballhead got knocked off my beautiful sirui tripod on the way in, and I lost a lot of time going to and fro, up and down the cliff and back and forth along our inward route, but with no results.

When trying to photograph, I had to use CPL + GND filters to cut the extreme glare, but that meant I was taking exposures between one and five seconds long, hand held … breath held. I didn’t have a clue if anything would turn out. But hey, it did.
Normally, I publish routes. However, there are signs all over the place telling one not to go along the logical route. In the interests of discretion, I will thus not publish my route, but you can contact me via a comment here, or instagram ( @natureloverswalks ) or through (my name there is just ‘naturelover’) and give me your email address and I can send it to you.

PLEASE, if you find my BALLHEAD contact me. My tripod is useless without it.

22 Replies to “Parsons Falls 2017 Oct”

  1. Amazing pics I went and checked out parson falls today but could only admire it from the top , really want to get Down bottom , so was wondering if you could send me your route please.

  2. Hi. I made it to the top where the water flows into the huge pipe. The ground was covered in snow so i couldnt even find a track to the falls. Is there a walking track as i am disappointed i drove a long way and didnt get to see them

  3. Hi Louise,
    Not sure if I made a mistake in my last comment, but I haven’t received a response from you yet ?
    I would love to know your route to the falls, thanks

  4. Love all your photo’s. I’d really appreciate your track notes on safely walking into Parson’s Falls.
    Kind regards, Macel

  5. Hi Louise,
    Awesome photos considering you didn’t use a tripod.
    Have been to Devils Gullet and went to look for Parsons Falls but ended up at Lake Mackenzie. Keen for your directions to the bottom of the falls as well.

  6. Hi Louise
    Is it too late to ask for your directions? This was a walk my father did when he was young, and I’d love to retrace his footsteps now that he’s no longer able to. If you’re able to send your directions I’d be hugely grateful and thankful – it would mean a lot.

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