Cethana Falls (or Bellana Ck Falls?) 2018

Cethana Falls (or Bellana Ck Falls?) 2018
What’s in a name? Well actually, quite a bit if we want to actually communicate with each other. When I order a cappuccino, I have something very definite in mind, a something that I expect the person serving me to also have in mind, and if they give me instant coffee with milk from the fridge, I consider myself cheated, and I know that we have two different things in mind when we use the word “cappuccino”. (Yes, that used to happen in yesteryear). And when it comes to waterfalls, it is also kind of handy if we want to discuss them with each other that we have the same name in mind – or, in the case of aboriginal naming, two accepted names, but we all know it’s those two.

Now, to my point: I saw a photo in the web of falls that were called “Cethana Falls”. This seemed an appropriate name, as they were on Cethana Road, just past Cethana Bridge, and quite near Cethana dam. I called them that too, and went to photograph and “bag” them yesterday. But this morning, I have discovered that people sitting in an office in America have dubbed these (with an air of authority, calling themselves the World Waterfall database) “Bellana Creek Falls”. Are we all to name things whatever we feel like? This name they have given it is intriguing to say the least. If you look at the map I have included below, you will see that List Maps has these falls on the Bellana Creek, which, if you visit the falls, and minutely inspect Bellana Creek at precisely this spot as I did yesterday, you will discover that there are no falls at all in that astonishingly flat stretch of creek bed (given the general terrain in which it is situated). The falls are on the creek which is unnamed right beside this to the left as you face them, and which , on violently sloping ground, according to the map, stops and disappears into thin air. Note the two blue lines do not join. Creeks on big slopes do not do this unless they go underground. This unnamed creek does not go underground. It falls over the edge in a fall that is very attractive after rain. Less so when dry. Locals call it Cethana Falls. I would greatly appreciate hearing any further comments on this.

(The same website also reports as confirmed an ‘Upper Narrawa Creek Falls’. My map has nothing of the sort on it, and neither does the List Map. Does anyone know what these people are talking about? Please contact me if you have any information. I am most curious.