Halls Falls 2016 Nov

Halls Falls Nov 2016

The Groom River, on the way to Halls Falls, having left St Helens.
Having been to the Meadstone and Ferntree Falls the previous day, we now drove from St Helens in the direction of Pyengana, intent on the Halls Falls, but were completely distracted by the Groom River en route. We had to brave blackberry bushes to get down to it, but it was so beautiful and tranquil there, and the blackberry bushes were only calf height; it was all well worth it, and we spent quite a while by those amber waters.

Halls Falls
Halls Falls win our vote for this waterfall trip. The sign said to allow an hour for the return trip. We took only 17 minutes to reach the far end BUT we took much more than an hour to do the circuit, as photography and admiring took possibly an hour in their own right, to which you then added 34 mins walking time. We were there so long we had lunch at the falls.
These falls are well signposted and easy to find, being off Anchor Rd which is shortly before Pyengana, approaching from the east.

These above are not Halls Falls, but are waterholes above it. The whole area was filled with fabulous places for dipping, paddling, swimming or watching water flow.
Next stop, St Columba Falls. This was a true waterfall binge!