Ice Falls and Bowl Falls Lachlan 2021

Today I was invited to join friends on a waterfall hunting spree, chasing falls that were not on the map. Adrian had already tested out the reality of these falls; Caedence and I were to visit them for the first time. It was drizzling lightly. In fact, it had been raining most of the week.

Ice Falls Ice Brook

I was expecting a very wet forest, and my expectations were unfortunately confirmed. I also suspected the waterfalls might have more water than is ideal for good photography, but I could always go back if conditions weren’t right, and meanwhile, I’d have seen new waterfalls and have had a fun day with friends in nature.
Our first set of waterfalls was in the Lachlan area, on a creek called Ice Brook, which has its beginnings high on the slopes of Mt Charles on the Wellington Range. The land there is very, very steep. The vegetation is a lush, vivid green with spongy moss, lichen, fern trees and, at this time of the year, fungi in abundance.
We parked at the start of Jefferys Track and, after a short while, dived nose first down the precipitous slope. The forest was pretty thick, so it wasn’t an entirely easy task to get to where we wanted to be, but we managed. Soon enough we could hear an ominous roar.

Ice Trib Falls

Why ominous? We are, after all, only discussing a waterfall. Hm, well, the fact is that the roar indicated that the object of our quest would be all but ‘unphotographable’.  It was stunning; it was dramatic; but it did not yield itself willingly to the three keen photographers who had come for a visit. There was an enormous amount of spray, and the drop and quantity and angle created a massive wind that blew the foreground every which way. The lens was misty in a nanosecond. I basically gave up, vowing to myself to return when the flow wasn’t quite so overpowering.
Adrian, who had been there before, reckoned the brook was so thickly vegetated that it was easier to climb back up and then descend away from the brook itself, returning to it at the last minute. This was a great plan, as it meant we also discovered Ice Trib Falls and Ice Trib Gorge Falls. The latter name is because Caedence was excited by the appearance of a gorge from above, and especially excited when the tributary flowed into the gorge, and fell out as a waterfall on the lower side. Although we could now hear and see Bowl Falls (the one we had come for), we were diverted across to explore and photograph the Gorge Falls. I’m afraid I can’t offer you a shot of this one. The spray was formidable, and the wind was blowing all the ferns all over the place. For me, it was just a place to enjoy. I will return. Adrian has kindly given me a record shot from his iPhone so I at least have something to show for my presence.

Ice Trib Falls front on

This business of not photographing what I’d come to see was setting a trend. Now we turned the corner to Bowl Falls and were met with another mass of spray in the context of a mighty wind. The falls were also dramatic and wonderful, but there was no way of avoiding the spray that I could see, so I took the odd little shot included here, hiding behind a fern tree and peering at the mass of falling water from my sheltered hideout. I had brought an umbrella with me to help protect my lens, but it was no match for the force of the spray. It is fun to just stand there and feel, hear and see the power of nature.

Bowl Falls Ice Brook

Well, yes. That shot is a tease. When I return, I’ll post a better one.
Now we just had to climb up the steep slope and get back to the car. It had been so very precipitous and slippery I anticipated difficulty, but it was very easy, and all over quickly, which is good, as I had worked up a considerable appetite, and now it was time for a late morning tea at the Church Cafe at New Norfolk, which is a great place if you haven’t tried it (or if you have).

Cortinarius archeri along the way

Filled with homemade blueberry and apple tart, plus an excellent cappuccino, we would then set out for stage two of our adventure, in the East Styx area, exploring an unnamed creek issuing from the slopes of Mt Styx. I will give it a separate blog to make it easier for people to find. 


Black Glen Falls

Black Glen Falls are situated on the Lachlan River, south of the hamlet of Lachlan, not too far from New Norfolk, which happens to be but a small digression from the Launceston to Hobart drag.  I thus decided I could easily drive down from Launceston, visit these falls (plus the Glenorchy Falls and the New Town three Falls) and be in time for the children’s after school pick up.

Black Glen Falls 2

As with many waterfalls, the hardest part was getting to the start line. I drove south along the Lachlan Rd, as I was supposed to do, and avoided the turn to the left to Hydehurst Rd, as instructed, but after a bit more driving, I came to another turn to the left, but not one that was labelled Timbs Rd, the road I was seeking. I stopped and got out to consider this matter, and a friendly local pulled over to help me.
“I’m looking for Black Glen Falls.”
“Never heard of them.” Oh. And he’s a local.
“Hm. Have you heard of Timbs Rd? I’m supposed to find it first.”
“Yeah. That’s easy. Can’t miss it. About 2 more kilometres and you’ll see it.”
Thanks given, I continued on my way, and found Timbs Rd with no further ado.

Black Glen Falls 3

The WoT website says there is a bridge (tick) and to park there. But silly Louise thought she could drive her AWD up this 4WD “road”, which looked quite harmless, so on she went. Oh the fallings of the proud. I soon enough found myself backing about 200 ms, once the road conditions deteriorated from very bad to shocking. Next time, I will park near the bridge and walk the mere 900ms to the old car park, official start.
From the official start (allow about 12 up, 10 down), it took me 26 mins to reach the first of the falls (which is actually Falls number 2 of 5). Before that happy moment, endless pleasant cascades can be spotted, including one just near where the river should be crossed. However, the river was quite high and strong, so I elected not to cross, and had no trouble staying on the eastern bank the whole time.

Black Glen Falls 4

There is a path most of the way, and helpful tapes to guide. That said, I would not do this walk if I were not confident in the bush, as birds and more can run off with pink tape, so you need to know what you’re doing. The other problem is that the falls are not actually marked on the map, so you are basically at the mercy of the tapes to get you there, as the Lachlan River has many unnamed side tributaries, so I became very uncertain as to the whereabouts of my destination. You have to combine tapes and pad with a bit of “bush nouse” and then all is well. Use my map below to mark the spot on your gps, and you should be right.

Black Glen Falls 5

If you persevere with a bit of uncertainty, you are well rewarded at the far end. The falls – cascades plus five falls – were all a total delight. I plan on taking the children in summer, when we can picnic on one of the many rock ledges, and they can paddle or swim in the many pools. Each waterfall has its own little rock ledge. The bottom falls looked less interesting than the ones above, so I didn’t drop down to them. I photographed Falls 2 (where the track leads), and then just kept going upstream for more and more. Eventually I ran out, so hoped there wasn’t another left hidden above, and returned to the car, to make it to New Norfolk for a delicious lunch in an old church, now a Quilt Cafe.

Glenorchy Falls

Glenorchy Falls were far too suburban for my liking. It was hard to ignore the concrete and rubbish that unnecessarily decorated what could be beautiful if someone put in a bit of effort. Box ticked. I won’t return.
At last I saw the New Town Falls flowing. Third time lucky, but that’s another story …. .