Robinson 2014 Mar

Is this the best washing up sink in the world?
Mt Robinson.

The group ambled along on our way to Mt Robinson, walking and talking together until we reached the place where the spur we wanted headed up the mountain. The map, showing a nice smooth spur, omits the unclimbable cliff faces that preclude many possible routes, but we followed up the gully leading to the summit, whilst being on the less scrubby (burned trunks) spur beside it, keeping an eye on the gully. On the return journey, we went to the then right side of the main cliffy obstacle, and had a fine route down. The views from the top were superb, and no one seemed to want to leave until reminded about swimming in the river by the tents. (Two of us had descended from the Western Arthurs to join this group who had walked in using the Port Davey Track. See if you want the first three days of this trip).

The Walk out.
My pack was substantially lighter after I’d eaten so much – or so the scales at home said – but I found it felt just as heavy as on the first day, which is sad. It ended up taking until nearly 4 pm by the time everyone had returned and was ready to snack in the carpark. The salted crackers went down very well (although I was hanging out for chocolate cake or Devonshire tea after five days in the bush).

Crossing Creek, our base camp.
I had picked up a head cold and was not well enough to drive even at the speed limit, which dragged out the final Hobart to Launie stretch, but we made it home alive and with a packload of wonderful memories.
9.2 kms +895 altitude gain = 18 km equivalents for the Robinson day.

The Needles 2014 + SW Tasmania Feb

SW Tas and The Needles Feb 2014

Mt Anne in morning mist

Lake Pedder

 We had rather a funny day, in that the original plan, which we tried to execute, was to climb Mt Styx with friends. However, after waiting in a different spot to them for fifty minutes, and lamenting the fact that it was far too beautiful a day to spend outside the general store cum cafe in Maydena, we set off for the south west, deciding to show my Swedish friends around some of our most beautiful scenery.

Climbing the Needles

We had fun wandering over the hills and not so very far away in low foothills off the Folded Range before doubling back and showing them the view from The Needles. It was not the first time I have climbed these, but it was the first time I have seen the view (or the mountain itself, for that matter. Last time I saw the flowers and a few shapes in the mist that might be rocks). It was wonderful to see the real thing.



Sentinels 2012 Dec

The Sentinels   8 Dec 2012

It had been a long drive down, and we were not in bed much before midnight. But for some reason, perhaps because I was excited to be there, I awoke nice and early, and decided to risk censure and dash up the Sentinels while the others slept. I had the excuse that I couldn’t wake them up to ask permission, and I couldn’t have known in advance that I was going to wake so early in order to ask in advance.

Off I set. I wondered if I would have got into trouble having a training run along the road without asking permission. As a six year old, I used to go and play in the bush without permission, so I am having trouble adapting to this level of supervision. I would not have made a good citizen in the former GDR and would have landed in jail, alas.

I didn’t actually set out to reach the summit (another excuse in my defence before the imaginary court later), but, well, one contour led to another, and suddenly there I was with the most amazing view spread out before me. When I saw the low sun making those glorious striations across the scene filling my purview, I suddenly didn’t care at all what my later punishment would be. Up there I was wild and free and as happy as it is possible to be.

It was only when I neared the campsite that I began to wonder what my reception would be. I was not late or anything. I had just gone down to the end of the town without consulting whomever. Anyway, there they all were around the barby, laughing happily, cooking up a treat – a merry, wonderful bunch. I was welcomed and began cooking my porridge. During the eating, the leader asked had I … er… been up the Sentinels by any chance? I confessed (I like her far too much to lie, and, besides, not being practised at lying, I believe myself to be lousy at it).

They said they thought so, and that was that. This leader was happy to trust me. How refreshing. She’s fantastic. I told them they’d find me much tamer as a result of my excursion, and they laughed.

I was utterly content, and didn’t care at all if they were a bit slow getting going, or a bit slow later. I had had the most glorious day imaginable before it had even struck 7a.m.

Western Arthurs 1998 Mt Pegasus

Western Arthurs 1998    11-15 Jan 1998.


Reading while waiting for my family. They never mind my doing that. It’s one of the reasons I love climbing with them.

On the summit of Pegasus
view on the way down.
These photos are just from poor quality prints – sorry, but they’re all I have. We climbed Mt Hayes on the way in, and went as far as the top of Pegasus before returning home. The weather was not good, but the views were still stupendous. Can’t wait to go back.