After the previous day’s successful adventuring, Gussy and I (despite the sad reduction in the number of garlic chick peas left in the packet) decided to go and explore the Hobart Rivulet on Mt Wellington and follow the watercourse along in search of some waterfalls I hadn’t yet visited.

For a seven year old, this is very hard work, and I was so proud to hear Gussy breathing very deeply and making noises of exertion as he hauled himself up various almost vertical slopes. Like me, he loved the ducking under, climbing over, and skirting around of obstacles that went on. On our way back, he asked if he could lead, and did a great job.

We found some falls, and some beautiful spots where the river gurgled in a picturesque way over rocks in a ferny glade. Best of all, Gussy found a great burnt-red, sandpapery-textured gilled fungus, which he wanted me to photograph. Sadly, I said I would do so on the way back, assuming we would retrace our steps pretty exactly, but, alas, we didn’t quite, so didn’t get the shot he wanted. I’m annoyed with myself, as I don’t have any images of this specimen, but I thought I did. The russet cap was 4-5 kms in diameter. The nearest I can see in the web is Gymnopilus moabus. Gussy is convinced we can get it next time, but I rather think it will be dead by then. Hopefully it has friends or relatives to continue the line. Meanwhile, we did photograph a beautiful metallic blue Cortinarius.

Next day, I went back while he was at school and got better photos of some of the falls, and added Betts Vale Falls to the collection (on roughly the same contour as O’Gradys, next tributary to the east, at the track-creek intersection). We have now photographed five waterfalls on the Hobart Rivulet. I have no idea how many more possibilities there are. Thanks to Peter Podolak for his instructions in locating two new ones I have just called Hobart Rivulet Falls A and B. HIs names are Champers Falls and Disappearing Falls. (He did call Champers Champagne, but I pointed out that that particular name was already taken, so he agreed to change it to Champers to avoid confusion – just names so we can all refer to things and each know what we are talking about – nothing official, of course). They are between Strickland and O’Gradys if you follow the watercourse up.

(Pity about the rubbish obscuring this otherwise lovely waterfall.)