Wandle Falls. May 2017.
Wandle Falls
I had always wondered how it was that we could have visited Waratah several times, but never seen the Wandle Falls. That’s because they’re a secret treasure, and require a little hunting out. We tried to follow the instructions in the web, but the one I chose said they were a “short distance from Waratah”, and the writer and I have different definitions of “short”. I envisaged a few hundred metres, a kilometre or two at most. In fact, if you are in Waratah and wanting the falls, you need to drive east for 7kms until you reach the A10, and then drive north along this A10 until it crosses the Wandle River, which it does after 9.3 kms, giving a total of 16.3 road kilometres from Waratah. Fortunately, there was a little bevy of lovely ladies in the museum who helped put us right about the new definition of “short”. The ladies assured us we would be traveling to fairy land, and they were not wrong. We loved our stay. Not only were the falls beautiful, but we had a grand time trying not to step on all the darling fungi, and rolling in moss later, photographing them. Here are a few photos of the expedition – not a huge bushwalk by any means, but DO wear your boots if you go there. There is no track, although there are pink tapes every now and then.
Park your car at the bridge, and walk downstream (on the southern bank).