Reuben Falls 2018 May

Reuben Falls May 2018.

Because the Reuben Falls have a track to them, and thus seem relatively straight forward, I was less excited about seeing them than the Weld Angel Falls that we visited in the morning – but that was silly. Isabella Creek, which does the falling to create what we were visiting, was a truly beautiful gurgling mass of rushing white and tan, wending its way through a fairy forest of moss and lichen, appearing and disappearing as we wended our way along the tastefully narrow track – a rich dark brown of forest humus turned to the best possible soil – to our goal. The walk was not long – only 25 minutes there; 27 mins back – and the steep drop had no real adventures contained within, so it was not long before we were at the base.

Now the problems began. It was raining. The falls were booming and rushing with a large volume of water, creating both a breeze and a spray. I decided against any kind of front-on shots, so started clambering over very slippery bits of fallen trees trying to get an angle that didn’t involve wetting my lens (or me, but that is less important), and that was not filled with debris, which is not exactly picturesque. Shooting was very tricky. I tried to line up the angle I wanted without removing the lens cap (so as to keep the lens dry). I opted for fast shutter speeds with the same end in mind; took the photo as quickly as possible, took in minimal feedback, and repeated. I have an umbrella that I keep in my photo pack for situations like this (although the frontal attack from the falls is hard to manage, even with my trusty umbrella), but I had left it accidentally in the car, as I was using my “long distance” pack, which is more comfortable, and better for bushbashing, as it was needed for Weld Angel Falls. I tried to dry the lens in between shots and, as said, have them unprotected from the spray for as short a time as I could manage. I kept thinking: “This is good practice for Iceland, Louise. Get used to it.” I’m off there in less than a fortnight. I can’t believe it. Anyway, at least I go there with a good lesson in rain photography as a preparation.

Craig was already soaked. Might as well cross the creek and clinch the deal. He looks triumphant about something. Maybe he’s just plain happy to be there.
But meanwhile, I need to revisit the Reuben Falls so I can have time to explore Isabella Creek at my leisure and hopefully find them under lightly easier conditions. Here are some of my better attempts from this time.
(For instructions to the start, see my blog  . Both Falls have the same parking spot and, thus, driving instructions.)