The Needles 2014 + SW Tasmania Feb

SW Tas and The Needles Feb 2014

Mt Anne in morning mist

Lake Pedder

 We had rather a funny day, in that the original plan, which we tried to execute, was to climb Mt Styx with friends. However, after waiting in a different spot to them for fifty minutes, and lamenting the fact that it was far too beautiful a day to spend outside the general store cum cafe in Maydena, we set off for the south west, deciding to show my Swedish friends around some of our most beautiful scenery.

Climbing the Needles

We had fun wandering over the hills and not so very far away in low foothills off the Folded Range before doubling back and showing them the view from The Needles. It was not the first time I have climbed these, but it was the first time I have seen the view (or the mountain itself, for that matter. Last time I saw the flowers and a few shapes in the mist that might be rocks). It was wonderful to see the real thing.



2 Replies to “The Needles 2014 + SW Tasmania Feb”

  1. Hi, would like to check if children from age 5 are suitable to climb Needles?

    Read Hartz is a good option for young children which we will include in our itinerary.


    1. Hi Agnes. Just take them as high as they can get and enjoy whatever they achieve – maybe the summit; maybe some other goal. Take plenty of food rewards and have fun at the turnaround point. Great views nearly all the way.

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