Liffey Falls are totally gorgeous, and are justifiably popular with tourists and waterfall aficionados, especially at this time of year when the water is pumping. I actually prefer a more delicate look for photography, and I prefer my nature uncrowded, so, although I visited LIffey, I didn’t bother with more than a cursory glance at the main attraction, and kept away from the madding crowds.

On Saturday, I photographed fungi in the lower reaches of the river, and today I climbed up much higher, in the direction of Liffey Bluff, exploring some pink ribbons I found. They went up and up, so I decided they were going to the Bluff. I climbed up to 800ms (it was very steep), which was all I felt like for today, found two new waterfalls and several new fungi, and so was happy.

Yesterday the perfume of sassafras flowers suffused the whole forest, filling it with delicate sweetness; meanwhile, the acacia dealbata trees were blooming so fulsomely that yellow dominated over green down in the valley. The sun was shining: it was a balmy 14 degrees, and the world was wonderful.

Included are some images of the two new falls I found: “Liffey unnamed tributary Falls 1 and 2” (such exciting names) and some of the fungi.