My trip to Kiernans Falls was such a happy day. It was still school holidays, but Abby was in childcare, and Kirsten had the day off work, which meant that Gussy, Kirsten and I could have our first ever adventure à trois. I chose Kiernans Falls, even though the WoT website (quite rightly) made it sound quite difficult. Eight-year-old Gussy is agile and nimble, as well as very fit, and with his mum and me to guide him, I didn’t think he would have any problems. Kirsten is pretty faultless in the bush. I did warn them that I reckoned we would all get wet feet; just don’t bother about keeping the tootsies dry.

As it was, alas, our feet stayed very dry, as the creek bed up which we climbed was pretty devoid of water. This did not detract in the slightest from our enjoyment of this area. The moss was still lovely and green, and the climbing both in and out of the creek was fun, and appreciated by all. We climbed to the top of the falls, as I thought Caedence’s report had two tiers. Indeed it did, but the lower tier was actually below the big falls, not above. That didn’t matter; it was such a fun climb, and prolonged the pleasure. We have all vowed to return when there is more water. (Note, there is no path. Do not attempt unless you are very familiar with finding your own way in the bush. Don’t be fooled by the capable Gussy).