Cephissus Falls and Creek 2016
Normally I am rushing past the Cephissus Falls on my way to higher ground, but in March 2016, when we were on our way to climb Hyperion, the weather was so horrid we stopped short of our goal, and used the comfort of the hut for the night, This meant that I could spend some time at this beautiful waterfall, get out my tripod and see what I could capture. Unfortunately, the flow was less than exciting, but the lushness of the greens in this area always thrill me.
However, I mourn for this area already. Strident voices with a certain twang are complaining that the “facilities” of the hut are not up to scratch. They want more beds and more of … well, who knows what. I love it simple, just how it is, with what it used to have – genuine bushwalkers with stories to tell having fun in a remote place. I don’t want brash tourists who are clocking up comodified experiences and totalling this and that conquered place from some insta check list, rather than just listening to nature and enjoying it. Guide books are sending tourists there, and my beautiful little haven is no doubt going to be ruined by the building of some monstrosity like the replacement of Windy Ridge Hut – Bert Nichols I think it is now called. I hate it so much I won’t even eat lunch there. It has no soul, like the people who need such places in what used to be wilderness. We have sold our soul to tourists. Who cares for earthly riches when you have nowhere left for your soul to soar?